Program Outline

The M.Sc. program commences in the winter semester of each academic year.

To obtain the M.Sc. degree, a total of one hundred and twenty (120) credit units (ECTS) are required.

During the course of their studies, postgraduate students are required to attend and successfully complete postgraduate courses, engage in research activities, and write and present scientific papers. Additionally, they are expected to conduct independent research for their Master’s thesis.

Teaching is delivered through a combination of in-person classes and distance learning methods, as needed. However, the proportion of distance learning should not exceed 35% in accordance with the current law (paragraph 3, article 30, Law 4485/2017).

Courses are organized into semesters, following a weekly schedule, and are conducted exclusively in English.

The course program is structured as follows:

Semester 1

Compulsory coursesTeaching hours/week ECTS
Climate Changes and Health25
Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment25
Sustainable Systems Design25
Bioanalytical Methods and Machine Learning for Multiomics25
Environmental Epidemiology25
Systems Approaches for Environmental Health Sciences25
Total 30

Semester 2

Compulsory CoursesTeaching hours/weekECTS
Cross-talk Between Environment and Infectious Diseases25
Water Quality Control25
Air Pollution: Health Effects and Air Quality25
Environmental Justice and Health Disparities‎2‎5
Environmental Law and Science Communication25
Environmental Disasters: From Hurricanes to Wildfires 25

Semester 3

Research Methodology & Laboratory Practice at “Environmental Sciences and Public Health’’ - Bibliographic Research30

Semester 4

Writing of a postgraduate thesis (MS) “Environmental Sciences and Public Health’’30


Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies Program “Environmental Sciences and Public Health”

In the context of strengthening the student – centered educational process, as well as the principles of transparency and accountability, the “Complaints Management Procedure” for postgraduate students of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Athens has been adopted. This procedure applies to all complaints related to the quality of the educational services provided by the MSc. of the Department of Chemistry.

The procedure is described as follows:

Click here to see the Study Guide

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